Save the Last Dance for Me

It really shouldn’t come as a surprise that all of my favorite TV moments have something to do with singing, dancing, and gay couples (can you say “Sway” and “Jazz hands”?). As this realization hit me at 2.30am on a Monday, I sat down to list the four most touching dances my laptop has ever […]

I Haven’t Written My Dream Roles Yet

Oct. 1, 2011.


Not that this is a secret, but I have never felt the need to come out as badly as I do right now. I’m going to say it. I watch Glee, and I like it. I absolutely adore Chris Colfer and Darren Criss and their characters and I know fans (e.g. […]

Reflection Upon Self

I’m one of those people who are never satisfied with the results no matter how hard they’ve worked at it. In a less flattering light, I am a bit of a procrastinator and perfectionist. Contradictory much?

I have these blog post that I’ve been keeping in my “Drafts” folder for ages. I suppose I should […]

Click. Boom. Amazing!

I am going to talk about Steve Jobs. It will happen. I have a French test tomorrow. But I am going to talk about Steve Jobs.



He Could Go and He Could Shine

At 9.45am I realized Erdman has the oddest hours in the world. They close at 9.30 and open again at 10 for lunch. And God, I have to catch a train at 10.15.

At 10.14 I was leaning against the door on the R5 train (“Do NOT lean on doors, at all time,” it says), […]